MacWorld 1999 January - Disc 1
Macworld (1999-01) (Disk 1).dmg
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Civilization II
Civ II 68K Demo.sea
Civ II 68K Demo
Civilization II Files
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355 lines
Modern Council Text 2/12/96 v2.2
0,84, Military: Build more units!
f5,4656,4763, Foreign: No, build more embassies.
#, end
t3, 3193,3212, Trade: There are more important matters (like building marketplaces).
t5, 3193,3212, Trade: There are more important matters (like building caravans).
s3, 3101,3124, Science: I disagree.
s4, 3101,3124, Science: I disagree.
a3, 3554,3580, Attitude: I disagree.
86,199, Military: We need more weapons technology!
f3, 3406,3431, Foreign: I disagree.
t2, 3193,3212, Trade: I disagree.
t4, 3193,3212, Trade: I disagree.
a1, 3646,3692, Attitude: I've got some troubles, King.
#, end
201,270, Military: We need more naval technologies!
t2, 3193,3212, Trade: I disagree.
t4, 3193,3212, Trade: I disagree.
f3, 3498,3526, Foreign: Pah! The last thing we need is more military techs.
a1, 3646,3692, Attitude: I've got some troubles, King.
a3, 3747,3769, Attitude: Pah! Let's change the scientists to entertainers first.
272,359, Military: Build barracks!
f5, 3406,3431, Foreign: I disagree.
t3, 3193,3212, Trade: I disagree.
t5, 3193,3212, Trade: I disagree.
t1, 2844,2882, Trade: Remember expenses, sir.
#, end
s3, 3101,3124, Science: I disagree.
s4, 3101,3124, Science: I disagree.
a3, 3554,3580, Attitude: I disagree.
361,502, Military: We need to build city walls, especially in the capitol!
s3, 3101,3124, Science: I disagree.
s4, 3101,3124, Science: I disagree.
f5, 3406,3431, Foreign: I disagree.
t3, 3193,3212, Trade: I disagree.
t5, 3193,3212, Trade: I disagree.
t, 2844,2882, Trade: Remember expenses, sir.
#, end
a3, 3554,3580, Attitude: I disagree.
504,568, Military: We're doing great!
f7, 3384,3404, Foreign: I agree.
t7, 3349,3382, Trade: I agree.
t1, 3193,3212, Trade: I disagree.
s6, 3150,3172, Science: Can we talk, sir?
s1, 3150,3172, Science: Can we talk, sir?
a1, 3608,3644, Attitude: Can we talk, sir?
570,649, Military: Let's go bonk some heads!
f4, 4656,4763, Foreign: Let us take by cunning what he would take by force.
#, end
f, 3406,3431, Foreign: I disagree.
s6, 3080,3099, Science: I agree, and let's take some techs while we're at it.
t, 3193,3212, Trade: I disagree.
1012,1096, Science: We must raise the science rate!
f3, 3384,3404, Foreign: I agree.
#, a, 3582,3606, Attitude: Don't listen to them!
a1, 5360,5443, Attitude: Just don't be lowering the luxury rate.
#, end
a2, 5360,5443, Attitude: Just don't be lowering the luxury rate.
#, end
a3, 5360,5443, Attitude: Just don't be lowering the luxury rate.
#, end
t2, 3174,3191, Trade: I agree.
t4, 3174,3191, Trade: I agree.
t, 3314,3347, *
1098,1252, Science: We should raise the science rate, sir.
f3, 3384,3404, Foreign: I agree.
#, a, 3582,3606, Attitude: Don't listen to them!
a1, 5360,5443, Attitude: Just don't be lowering the luxury rate.
#, end
a2, 5360,5443, Attitude: Just don't be lowering the luxury rate.
#, end
a3, 5360,5443, Attitude: Just don't be lowering the luxury rate.
#, end
t2, 3174,3191, Trade: I agree.
t4, 3174,3191, Trade: I agree.
t1, 2705,2778, Trade: If raising the science rate means lowering taxes, forget it.
1254,1377, Science: Build technology improvements.
m1, 867,957, Military: Not so fast...we need to build more units.
#, end
m4, 867,957, Military: Not so fast...we need to build barracks.
#, end
m5, 867,957, Military: Not so fast...we need to build city walls.
#, end
t3, 3193,3212, Trade: I disagree.
t4, 3174,3191, Trade: I agree.
#, f5, 3433,3461, Foreign: Don't listen to them, sir!
t5, 3193,3212, Trade: I disagree.
t1, 2705,2778, Trade: Building things cost money, sir, and we can't afford it.
#, end
m2, 2884,2913, Military: I agree.
m3, 2884,2913, Military: I agree.
f3, 4765,4804, Foreign: I agree.
f5,3406,3431, Foreign: I disagree.
a3, 3554,3580, Attitude: I disagree.
1379,1571, Science: Build trade routes.
m1, 867,957, Military: Not so fast...we need to build more units.
#, end
m4, 867,957, Military: Not so fast...we need to build barracks.
#, end
m5, 867,957, Military: Not so fast...we need to build city walls.
#, end
f3, 4765,4804, Foreign: I agree.
t, 3174,3191, Trade: I agree.
m2, 2884,2913, Military: I agree.
#, f5, 3433,3461, Foreign: Don't listen to them, sir!
m3, 2884,2913, Military: I agree.
#, f5, 3433,3461, Foreign: Don't listen to them, sir!
f5, 3406,3431, Foreign: I disagree.
1573,1643, Science: Everything's a-ok!
a6 ,3694,3745, *
m2, 3027,3078, Military: Pah! Then why don't you discover more weapons?
m3, 3027,3078, Military: Pah! Then why don't you discover more naval techs?
t2, 3193,3212, Trade: I disagree.
t4, 3193,3212, Trade: I disagree.
1645,1748, Science: Take or steal technologies, sir...that would show your perspicacity.
m1,3027,3078, *
m2,2884,2913, Military: I agree.
m3,2884,2913, Military: I agree.
m4,3027,3078, *
m5,3027,3078, *
m6,2884,2913, Military: I agree.
m7,2884,2913, Military: I agree.
1750,1920, Science: We're #1!
a1, 3646,3692, Attitude: I've got some troubles, King.
a6, 3694,3745, *
t6, 3349,3382, Trade: I agree.
t7, 3349,3382, Trade: I agree.
f7, 3384,3404, Foreign: I agree.
2097,2200, Trade: We're in trouble...raise the taxes or hire tax collectors.
a1, 5360,5443, Attitude: Just lay off the luxury rate, King.
#, end
a2, 5445,5520, Attitude: Just lay off the luxury rate, King.
#, end
a3, 5445,5520, Attitude: Just lay off the luxury rate, King.
#, end
s1, 1922,2001, Science: The science rate is already too low!
s2, 1922,2001, Science: The science rate is already too low!
2202,2303, Trade: Discover Economics.
m2, 812,865, Military: Don't listen to him, sir, it's better weapons we need.
m3, 812,865, Military: Don't listen to him, sir, it's better ships we need.
2305,2360, Trade: Build Stock Exchange.
f5,3406,3431, Foreign: I disagree.
m1,651,731, Military: Build some units first.
m4,651,731, Military: Build some barracks first.
m5,651,731, Military: Build some city walls first.
s3, 3101,3124, Science: I disagree.
s4, 3101,3124, Science: I disagree.
a3, 3554,3580, Attitude: I disagree.
2362,2473, Trade: Discover trade.
f, 3384,3404, Foreign: I agree.
m2, 812,865, Military: Don't listen to him, sir, it's better weapons we need.
m3, 812,865, Military: Don't listen to him, sir, it's better ships we need.
2475,2570, Trade: Build caravans.
f5,3406,3431, Foreign: I disagree.
m1,651,731, Military: Build some units first.
m4,651,731, Military: Build some barracks first.
m5,651,731, Military: Build some city walls first.
s3, 3101,3124, Science: I disagree.
a3, 3554,3580, Attitude: I disagree.
2572,2616, Trade: We're doing well.
a1,3646,3692, Attitude: The government's going to fall!
a2,3554,3580, Attitude: I disagree.
a3,3554,3580, Attitude: I disagree.
2618,2703, Trade: We're rich!!!
m1,3027,3078, Military: Pah! So buy us some units.
#, end
m4,3027,3078, Military: Pah! So buy us some barracks.
#, end
m5,3027,3078, Military: Pah! So buy us some city walls.
#, end
f5, 3498,3526, Foreign: Pah! Why not buy us some embassies, then?
#, end
3771,3870, Foreign: Go explore!
r5, s, 3080,3099, Science: I agree.
r5, m, 2884,2913, Military: I agree.
r5, a, 3528,3552, Attitude: I agree.
r5, t, 3174,3191, Trade: I agree.
3872,4002, Foreign: Let us form an alliance with another civilization.
m, 733,810, Military: We shouldn't fraternize with the enemy, sir.
4004,4100, Foreign: We should discover espionage.
s, 3080,3099, Science: I agree.
#, t2, 3214,3238, Trade: Don't listen to them, sir.
t4, 3193,3212, Trade: I disagree.
m2, 959,1010, Military: Who cares? We need better weapons pronto.
m3, 959,1010, Military: Who cares? We need better weapons pronto
4102,4273, Foreign: We should repair our reputation with other civilizations.
;m1, magg, Military: I agree.
m, 3004,3025, *
4275,4381, Foreign: We should build embassies.
m1, 651,731, Military: Pay some attention to your military first.
m4, 651,731, Military: Pay some attention to your military first.
m5, 651,731, Military: Pay some attention to your city walls first.
t3, 3193,3212, Trade: I disagree.
t5, 3193,3212, Trade: I disagree.
t1, 2844,2882, Trade: Remember expenses, sir....
#, end
s3, 3101,3124, Science: I disagree.
s4, 3101,3124, Science: I disagree.
a3, 3554,3580, Attitude: I disagree.
4383,4526, Foreign: We should trade technologies with other civilizations.
m2, 2884,2913, Military: I agree.
#, s7, 3126,3148, Science: I disagree...we don't need their foolish technologies.
m3, 2884,2913, Military: I agree.
#, s7, 3126,3148, Science: I disagree...we don't need their foolish technologies.
m6, 733,810, Military: We shouldn't fraternize with the enemy, sir.
m7, 733,810, Military: We shouldn't fraternize with the enemy, sir.
s7, 3101,3124, Science: I disagree...we don't need their foolish technologies.
#, end
s5, s, 3080,3099, Science: I agree.
t, 3174,3191, Trade: I agree.
4528,4654, Foreign: We are doing remarkably well in foreign affairs.
s7, 3080,3099, Science: I agree.
a6, 3694,3745, *
4806,4875, Attitude: Get temples and entertainers or the government falls!
r5, t, 3174,3191, Trade: I agree.
r5, s, 3080,3099, Science: I agree.
r5, m, 2884,2913, Military: I agree.
r5, f, 3384,3404, Foreign: I agree.
4877,4969, Attitude: We must raise the luxury rate, quickly.
t1, 2780,2842, Trade: It is the taxes we should be raising!
#, end
t6, 2780,2842, Trade: It is the taxes we should be raising!
#, end
s1, 3150,3172, Science: Can we talk, sir?
#, end
s2, 2003,2095, Science: The science rate is low as it stands.
#, end
f3, 3406,3431, Foreign: I disagree.
m2, 2915,2939, Military: I disagree.
m3, 2915,2939, Military: I disagree.
4971,5096, Attitude: Things are bad...more temples and entertainers are necessary.
t1, 3278,3312, Trade: We've got problems, sir.
s1, 2003,2095, Science: We must maintain the science rate!
s2, 2003,2095, Science: We must maintain the science rate!
m1, 3027,3078, Military: Pah! It is more units we need.
m4, 3027,3078, Military: Pah! It is barracks we need.
m5, 3027,3078, Military: Pah! It is city walls we need.
5098,5231, Attitude: We should raise the luxury rate.
t1, 3193,3212, Trade: I disagree.
t6, 3193,3212, Trade: I disagree.
t, 3193,3212, Trade: I disagree.
s1, 3101,3124, Science: I disagree.
s2, 3101,3124, Science: I disagree.
s, 3101,3124, Science: I disagree.
5233,5295, Attitude: We're rockin', your majesty.
t7, 3174,3191, Trade: I agree.
5297,5358, Attitude: The people love you!
t7, 3349,3382, Trade: Let's do lunch.